Saturday, November 7, 2009

Cb Stag 357schematics

bookstore ≠ library

That many the difference between a bookstore and library (= borrow books) know, I'm used to. The fact that customers know the difference and ignore it anyway, I was, until recently, new!

A very arrogant, loud customer entered the store and was waited on by my colleagues and tried desperately to pick out children's books on ROCKETS (!) for the young son of the customer, who was also there. All that stuff went into space and the moon landing, and suitable for the young age was pleased, not you. I've just noticed on the edge, because I had customers.

Finally, the rocket mom even looked at another bissel in children's books around and just when I was on my way there to look for another customer for a book, it blared through the store: "I need a reading book for a six-year-old, who can help me? " I stupidly just to it opened, she took me immediately confiscated and It was a crowd (by the way in search for woman Nöstlinger "Gruselwusel "...) Gruselwusel was out and my colleague took over anyway, so I had a wife rocket on the cheek. The person receiving this gift child was, as always, very smart, very far, very well read and well as classics are not a problem, but "Peter Pan" was not for me, because that would read the six-year-old then surely with Daddy in London in English. I then got her "Charlotte's Web" and then sold it suddenly began again with the rocket book thing and whether I would still probably not find anything. But the little mini-fiction from Why-Why-Why and "space" had it not enough, "FIRE FIRE" (the said it seriously) and I had a comment on "Children and War Toys / glorification" resist but very. No, we had really no book on the topic in stock and I would have had to wait to order something, but they also did not do so.

In the meantime, son rocket by the way catchy with our very worn, very old game books that are for watching, ruin and games for young children in the corner so the kids for a while employed, if the parents maybe a little longer for purchasing need.

How else do not expect to - for our son rocket is nothing too expensive! - She said snippy, "Well, then we just take this fire book (! that played with the boy all the time, it has a plastic steering wheel) "

And would order for them have been a problem, however, is the book sold out and I also told her and she said without batting an eyelash: "good hire, then we just made the" and I think I was in the whole year training period has never been so perplexed and surprised by such naturalness in the voice of a customer! * _ * Thank God the child was getting restless and I did not take her long and hard to explain that unfortunately not possible, after all, there are other children playing with us so! I was somewhere between very amused and stunned ...

I find it shocking to see, of course, some parents want their kids seem to raise hell or for worse simply all / and still think that borders do not exist ...


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