Friday, January 21, 2011

Ab 2010 Dental Fee Guide

Wikileaks po russki

Vladimir Putin and Silvio Berlusconi are personal friends, both say the back over and look, the personality structure of the two Prime Ministers on is really no surprise. Putin, a former KGB officer has a simple modest, apparently in the last few years, taste the good life and found it well Berlusconi can inspire. We are not talking now about what Berlusconi allegedly hires with underage girls - even if it is striking that the Russian media do not report the fact that Putin and "Ruby" seems simultaneously in one of Berlsuconis Villas ; have stayed. The speech is more of pomp and not 100-percent of taste. The images show a small castle, which currently occurs on the coast of the Black Sea. More pictures can be found here: # more-1901

According to the platform "Ruleaks" this castle is built for Putin, not enough for the villa in Sochi, apparently, since he had to cede some of it to Dmitry Medvedev. A whole series of images can be found here:

Ruleaks based on Wikileaks and tries secrets of the Russian government and administration to bring to the public. The images of Putin's Villa are the first big hit, the Ruleaks could land. The other news on the site are rather less exciting. And it would surprise me if the Russian government would tolerate such a long whistle. On the other side: Alexei Navalny provides for quite some time again for balance, as far as what Koruption beijm state pipeline monopoly Transneft:

But these "leaks" can have strange consequences which a bezeichndes light are on the Russian media. Following the closure of "Russian Newsweek" from "economic reasons" in the fall, there are less good and reputable researched investigative stories, "New Times tried "to jump into this breach, but meets its limits. For some time, efforts and the newspaper "Russian Reporter" as investigative Medium: A nicely designed and well-designed magazine attractive with long photo series. Only in content, I always found it somewhat obscure, there was always the last investigative reprint. Russki reporter was from the start of a Russian partner of Wikileaks. As Julia Latynina has revealed in her column, however Wikileaks was abused for peculiar purposes: Several articles of the American government was strange Things assume - without it there in the Wikileaks dispatches appropriate references:


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